This entire Prop 8 issue has spiralled way out of control. So much misinformation and lack of information. Let's start with what Prop 8 actually is shall we?
"Proposition 8 was a California State ballot proposition that amended the state Constitution to restrict the definition of marriage to a union between a man and a woman. It overrode a decision of the California Supreme Court from earlier in the year, In re Marriage Cases, that had recognized same-sex marriage in California as a fundamental right by overturning the California Defense of Marriage Act. The official ballot title language for Proposition 8 was "Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry." The entirety of the text to be added to the constitution is: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." The proposition did not address the issue of Domestic partnership in California nor any similarities or differences which might exist between that institution and marriage." - excerpt from Wikipedia
Now, onto the aftermath of the passing of this ballot.
Americans of African descent are the voting bloc to be most blamed for the passing of this ballot.
This is untrue. The statistics being thrown around by the media claims that 70% of African descented voters in California voted to have this law passed. I have a few problems with this statistic. Why is it available? Isn't your vote supposed to be private and not public record. The question you should be asking is, who got these statistics and from where did they get it? I am not aware of polling stations providing a questionnaire on who and what you voted for after you stepped out of the voting booth. I might be wrong though. Take a closer look at what I said before.
"...70% of African descent American voters in California voted to have this law passed."
How does that translate into this?
"Americans of African descent are the voting bloc to be most blamed for the passing of this ballot."
In the first statement which has been said in numerous ways across the airwaves, they conveniently leave out some important information. The percentage of the California population that is of African descent.
According to the 2006 ACS Estimates, California's population is:
* 58.9% White American including Hispanic
* 43% White Non-Hispanic
* 35.9% are Hispanic or Latino (of any race)
* 12.3% Asian American
* 6.2% Black or African American
* 3.3% mixed
* 0.7% American Indian
Do you see what I see? 6.2% of the population is of African descent. 70% of the African descent population in California's entire population doesn't even make up for a solid 5% of the entire population. And keep in mind, I haven't taken out any percentage points for the non-voters in the community.
The media has once again manufactured a story to sell some advertising space and time. As I keep telling people, race and beef draws crowds, so all forms of entertainment makes good use of it. The news media is no different. It's all entertainment.
The Mormon Money Machine
Another group of people being blamed for the passing of this ballot are the Mormons. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints called on California Mormons to donate their time and money to the campaign for Proposition 8. This seems wrong but it isn't unconstitutional. As much as I disagree with their goals, they aren't in the wrong legally. Morally, that's another issue.
Final Thoughts
Marriage, be it between a gay couple or a traditional heterosexual couple, should have never been put on the ballots for anyone to vote on. All gay people want is the same rights given to heterosexual couples and they shouldn't have to fight for it in America. Thanksgiving is just days away. Do I really need to whip out my pilgrim stories? As I said in a video I uploaded to YouTube a few months ago, there are 2 forms of marriage. The Religious Marriage and the Government Marriage. The 2 normally go hand in hand here in America and it shouldn't since this is not a Theocracy.
Posted by
11/24/2008 12:01:00 am
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