Okay, so I was at work last week and I saw 2 things that blew my mind(this happens a lot so get used to it).


The first one struck me when I saw my co-worker smoking a cigarette while he was driving. Why aren't there any laws against this in New York? I fail to understand why you can't talk on a cell phone while driving, but you can hold a cigarette in one hand and steer a vehicle with the other, without fear of the police pulling you over. That's not my current grievance with smokers though. What bothered me was when I saw him throw away cigarettes that were extinguished by the wind, instead of just relighting them(Not that I was complaining though; I already had my pack of death sticks for the day via his second hand smoke).

At the moment I'm trying to figure out who came up with the theory that states "smoking new cigarettes instead of half-smoked cigarettes is better for your health". Ever since I was younger, I've realised that many smokers that I've been exposed to, tend to throw out cigarettes that have been smoked halfway and immediately start puffing on a new one. These people ranged from the poor to the middle class, yet when asked why they do this, they all had the same answer, "it's not good for your health". Further questioning into that answer gave me long blank stares and some mentions of cancer. I could have even investigated further and question the "cancer" answer a little further but I thought it was fairly obvious by now that these people lived in LaLa Land and they would say anything to protect their beloved cancer sticks.

Well, since it was useless to even ask these nicotine addicts about the dangers of smoking a relit cigarette, I took it upon myself to do some research. Here is what I found out.

There is actually another reason why smokers don't smoke relit cigarettes! According to SmokeFresh.com, which sells "a smoke reduction tool", nicotine addicts want to "...relight a cigarette and still enjoy the same freshness of a new cigarette because relit cigarettes tasted stale..." So there is fresh smoke and then there is stale smoke. Take note kids!

There are also scientific studies which claim that relit cigarettes may cause severe bronchitis. I wonder how much worse it is from regular bronchitis. And which one is it, that gives you 2 or more weeks of coughing that could eventually cause you to pass out?

How To Not Get Drunk?(Alcoholics Edition)

Now onto alcoholics, my favourite people. Not only are these folks dumb, but they are also funnier than their smoking brethren when heavily liquored up(in other words, always).

This portion of the blog also originated from a practice I saw my co-workers partaking in. I know what you're thinking, "TheDreamReborn works with degenerates and he is an angel". You are correct. A lunch break at my job mostly involves the consumption of liquor. I'm usually the only outcast actually chewing during the lunch break. Everybody else "knocks back" a few beers.

Last week, while I was cleaning up my work area, I realised that there were beer bottles hidden between the tables with small amounts of beer in each so I assumed that they were forgotten in their hiding spots because the boss passed by while they were being consumed. The next day though, I saw one of my co-workers emptying the remaining 1/8 of his beer into the sink, before disposing of the bottle, so I asked him what was the reason for such wasteful behaviour. In what I took as an obvious attempt to blow my mind he said, "that's the part of the beer that gets you drunk". I gave his response a few seconds to sink in and before I could ask if he was joking or not, he was already guzzling down his second beer which he also disposed the last 1/8 of.

I tried to find some information online regarding this new theory but it seems that this one is an isolated case. I've seen everything from wine tasting to "pouring out a little liquor for the homies", but this was the first time that I've ever witnessed this method of wastefully disposing of an alcoholic beverage.

If you have any more health tips revered by smokers and alcoholics, please feel free to share them in the comments section below.

Disclosure: I'm not a smoker nor an alcoholic. I once attempted to smoke something that Trinis call "hemp"(don't think that's the right name but whatever it is, it's legal), and that solidified my stance on remaining smoke free. Having my family history checkered with death caused by cancer also was a strong deterrence. I'm just under 21 so legally speaking, I don't have a drinking history.


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