Update: The jewellery stolen belonged to a member of Queen Latifah's entourage and not The Queen as Newsday so sloppily reported. Next blog I'll discuss Trinidad and Tobago's shoddy journalism.

This is just another story adding to the embarrassment I feel for a little country in the Caribbean called, Trinidad and Tobago.

According to Newsday, a Trinidad and Tobago newspaper, Dana Elaine Owens a.k.a. Queen Latifah, the rapper turned actress turned jazz singer has been robbed while vacationing with a "lady friend" on the island of Tobago. According to the article, "The Queen" and her "lady friend" spent Christmas together(I hope this quells the lesbian rumours for good) on the island.

She checked into the resort under the alias, Cynthia Hadden(I guess she thought Tobagonians don't see her on TV and in magazines). On Sunday, a barbecue brunch was organised for the Grammy award winning singer by the resort she was vacationing in. Upon returning to her room at noon, she realised that her US$10,000 bracelet, two gold rings, a gold chain and a silver ring were missing from her luxury villa. She immediately alerted the manager of the resort who summoned 3 security guards(worthless rent-a-cops) to help search for the missing jewellery. The search turned up nothing, so the local police(the local court jesters) were called in. The normal procedure followed. A report was taken from "The Queen", and our lame police force now has her autograph on official documents.

Newsday also said that "The Queen" contacted her friend in Trinidad and told them she was disappointed and was not thrilled by the manner in which the local law enforcement was handling the case.

My Theory On The Heist

I want to pedal back for a few lines. Let's analyse this heist. The Queen has a BBQ brunch thrown for her because she is "The Queen". No other reason at all. The resort just has a soft spot for The Queen. Coincidentally while she was celebrating the surprise brunch thrown in her honour, $10,000+ in jewellery goes missing from her villa. Three security guards who were told to be on heightened alert because The Queen was staying at their resort couldn't locate the missing jewellery. My conclusion to these observations is, a *La Diablesse was walking through the villas and saw some sparkly objects and thought it would look good with her cow hoof so she took it.

Message to The Queen

Queenie(is it okay for me to call you that?), there have been 549 murders in that little country in 2008 alone. Guess how many of them have been solved? About 10, and I'm being generous here. It's probably really 0. If you ever get your jewellery back, which you said is of sentimental value to you, you would be a very lucky woman. If I may speak plainly amongst friends, shit never gets solved in that cesspool. A Swedish couple was slaughtered like Thanksgiving turkeys about a month ago on that very island you are on right now. There have been no arrests and absolutely no clues. It saddens me to know that I was born amongst these animals. I'm in the process of returning my citizenship at the moment. I swear.

Now onto this "The Queen is a lesbian" rumour. Could you just come out and say it already? Busting out of the closet is the thing to be doing at the moment. 2008 was a good year to be gay. Proposition 8 kind of messed it up at the end there but don't let the Mormons rain on your parade(no pun intended). I suggest you jump on the bandwagon now. You don't want to be the last one out of the closet. It would make you look like just another lesbian, when we know you're "The Queen". We already have proof of you spending Christmas on secluded islands with "lady friends". What more do we need? By the way, if Cynthia Hadden is your "lady friend", you certainly shouldn't be keeping her in any closet.

Ladies and especially gentlemen, I give you Cynthia Hadden.

Definitions: ‘La Diablesse’, the devil woman of Trinidad and Tobago folklore, is sometimes personified as an old crone, who steps forth with her cloven hoof from behind a tree on a lonely road, the sound of chains mingling with the rustle of her petticoat.


Addle Mind -GW said...

It saddens me to know that one of the "animals" escaped and is in a position to write this diatribe. No human being will refer to the country of his/her birth as a "cesspool" so you must indeed be an animal and a vile one at that. The increase in violent crime and murder is a worldwide phenomena yet you attempt to portray this as unique to T&T. The queen could have easily been robbed in a five star hotel in Manhattan. There is no need to try to return your citizenship as we have already disowned persons like yourself.

Anonymous said...

LMAO, this blog is hilarious! But on a serious note, ALL trinis aren't bad. I"m ashamed, really, to a Trini right now, and I sympathize with "The Queen" - our police officers don't know diddly squat, about anything!

TheDreamReborn said...

@ Addle Mind -GW

Yes, this incident could have taken place anywhere else in the world but guess what, it happened in Trinidad and Tobago. Why do I get this same idiotic argument from Trinidadians when I share my opinion on the insanity taking place in that CESSPOOL? Yes I said it, CESSPOOL. There is no other way to describe a country that can't find hundreds of missing girls feared to now be sex slaves. There is no other way to describe a country that has 549 murders under its belt in one year. Thanks for "disowning" me. It's a late Christmas gift but I'll take it anyway.

TheDreamReborn said...

@ Anonymous

All Trinis aren't bad but most of them aren't standing up and voicing their opinion against the nonsense plaguing the country.

I know people will get mad at this but I really don't care, Trinis like to party to much. Seems like nothing else matters sometimes, except the next fete. I just read an article about the new ferry service and some Trini complaining about the ride was boring and they wish it had some music playing. This is madness.

Anonymous said...

Dude a soucouyant does not have a cow foot..that's a la Diablesse...and I am a proud trini and its disappointing that instead of trying to help the situation by using your obvious talents you turn against your own...

TheDreamReborn said...

Thanks for the correction "anonymous". I'll have to brush up on my folklores.

I wish I could be a proud Trini like you but at the moment that is impossible. I already made up my mind to oppose the madness taking place in the country. Unfortunately most of the country is either happy with the situation or they just don't care.

Anonymous said...

Revoke yuh citizenship...We doh need you here!!! Thank God u leave already....Ungrateful!!!

TheDreamReborn said...

@ Anonymous

Ungrateful for what? Ha! It's a good thing I'm not in that cesspool any more with people like you who belong right there.

Anonymous said...

What positive contribution have u made to the country... Yuh ups and leave and now yuh bashing it

TheDreamReborn said...

@ Anonymous

The positive contribution I made to the country is spreading the culture and only positive vibes about the people. Now, what have you done?

Anonymous said...

U called the country a cesspool and it's ppl animals... how that could be positive vibes?... After reading this i would assume it's only negativity in T&T

Ms. WrightAllTheTime said...

Well, I'll be cancelling my vacation to Trinidad and Tobago IMMEDIATELY! I've heard a lot of folks complaining about the crime. I'm sorry, I don't wanna die tryin to see Trinidad. I can just go back up to DC and NYC where all the Trini's are anyway.

But I think the problem that a lot of the commentors are overlookin' is the fact that the law enforcement is soooo obviously wack! They're supposed to keep the tourists and citizens safe. And if they can't find missing children, clues to homicide's and whatnot, then I don't need to be around that kind of incompetency. That kind of unaccountability is not acceptable in regards to my safety.

I love Trini's but your law enforcement has to do a major overhaul before I ever visit the country.

Anonymous said...

what utter nonsense...hahahahaha...all of you....

i am sorry for Ms. Owens' loss. Hopefully she will take steps to secure her 'sentimental' belongings next time around...wherever she may go.

Anonymous said...

i think she got it easy, some items stolen big deal its not like she got a gun pointed to her face and tied up which most times they kill you because thieves in this country dont use masks. for all we know the maid stole it

Anonymous said...

this was stupid, i mean you'd have to be pessimistic to write something like this about your country..... it saddens me, but i am sorry that people like our writer only think only about themselves and not about the embarrassment of our nation.

Anonymous said...

And what country has thedreamreborn migrated to?? please answer me

Anonymous said...

In Trinidad everyone knows the cops are drunk from Christmas Eve to New Years.

Anonymous said...

dis man say he born in trinidad and he shiting up trinidad like that. you real patriotic boy.we know we have crime but you not helping de situation.

TheDreamReborn said...

@ Anonymous

I'm done being patriotic. The G-Unit gang is your new patriots. I want nothing to do with them and the rest of criminals polluting the culture. I am helping the situation greatly. I hope that nobody, especially my friends and family ever take another vacation in that cesspool until it is cleaned up. Boycott Carnival 2009!

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the mismanagement of Trinidad and Tobago is no different to the mis management of the US. Generally, whack politicians operating on right wing theories and calling everyone else socialist. The problem is not police, but collapse of societal systems, poorly managed education which works well for a lucky few who are academically inclined. Housing is poor resulting in unplanned ghettoes, and we probably have the lowest ratio of social workers per capita in the world. The fact that crimes are not solved has to do with police systems, however the bigger problem is the unwillingness of witnesses to come forward, except to to cameras to cuss the police. It is also instructive to disaggregate the crime statistic. Some trends that support my position emerge. A significant number of murders are as a result of domestic violence. Additionally a number of persons have been killed while with "friends" in bars, men arguing politics, a family lime and someone gets mad over their share of food, man strikes man with tire iron in gas station over place in the line. Not acts by persons who are otherwise criminal. Can we put a police in every house bar or lime? And readers may be surprised if i add this given the direction i have been going, but i really think that a large number of the vehicular "accident" stats should be added to the murder list, when a man spends more than the value of his car souping it up, drives on the public road, crosses the median and cleans up an innocent family can that be an accident. Finally, I have been robbed in hotel rooms in five different countries, from cell phones to small sums of money, i never leave anything of value ina hotel room.

Anonymous said...

I actually think that the Dream Reborn is right. I too am a Trinidadian, and as harsh as the words may sound from anyone trying to rip your national pride from you, he's right. There is a crime problem. The rise in crim in Trinidad and Tobago and also in the rest of the Caribbean is not as global as you may think. Crime in the big cities of the U.S. and also in Europe is actually on a DECREASE. We are dependent on these people for tourism, not the other way around. If they choose to boycott Tobago, we get hurt badly, if we choose to boycott them, they feel nothing. That is the reality. If we don't get our act in order then it could only mean hard times ahead. Articles like this, if it can get the word out enough and (sadly) damage the reputation enough for the government to wake up, that's the only way how serious action will be taken cos the piling up bodies isn't making them batt an eyelash. So, I fully support this article, despite its harshness...plus freedom of speech eh. If u nuh like it, nuh read it.

TheDreamReborn said...

@ Anonymous

Thank you for understanding where I'm coming from. People think I just woke up this morning and decided to give up on the country. They fail to realise what a year 2008 was. Tobago's economy is mainly made up of tourism. The murder of the Swedish couple, the Italian woman and now the robbery of such a high profile entertainer won't help attract more tourists. I have never been to Tobago. Just yesterday I was looking at some pictures of the beautiful beaches and villas in Tobago, an English tourist posted on Flickr. I would really like to visit one day but not in this current climate of crime.

Anonymous said...

the police in trinidad suck because of the training, but you would think your brain would help with some of the things they mess up on maybe it was the house keeper. you can't judge an entire country for someones srew up things like this also happens all the time in the u.s so please cut the crap.

Anonymous said...

Not a fact Tobago's economy comes from transfers from the state i.e. oil and gas dollars. Tobago is in fact entitled to oil dollars because of its geographical position, it is difficult to explain here, however suffice it to say that according to the laws of archipelagic states if tobago was not in its current position, lol, the main areas where gas is being extracted would have belonged to grenada or Barbados. Tourism creates mainly low paying jobs for Tobagonians who never get into management, movement from a hotel job to a labourer position in the THA is considered a promotion. All hotels get 10 year tax exemptions and they simply change owners and extend the credit for another ten years. Or in the case of Grafton Beach, apply for and get a state tax writeoff. The problem is therefore more fundamental than just "get security for the tourist" it will not hurt more than anything else if they leave. There needs to radical restructuring of all aspects of the economy and a sensible way to create productivity that ignores the fall back on oil (and gas) money, in a weird way, the present oil and gas slump may actually help.

Anonymous said...

ok..at first when i started reading this, you had my attention...but then as i went along..i realize that this person is an idiot..did u pass common entrance or your cxc exams....if you are a real trini, you would know what that is....every country has its issues but who the hell are u to insult a country like that..a place where u were born..let me say it in trini for you...you are and uneducated stupidee!!!

Anonymous said...

the things that have happened in trinidad and tobago are indeed sad. unfortunately it also happened to a celebrity. While i am a big fan of "the queen" i must say that this crime could have occured in any country in the world. I will never turn against my country I am "Trini to de bond" here is were i was born and here i intend to stay. I refues to act as though crimes like this ONLY happens in trinidad. You are a talented writer but I am not an "animal" as you so described us trinidadians nor Is my homeland a cesspool. If you don't want to live here that is your choice an frankly I must say Good riddance to people like you who only talk about how bad things are instead of trying to do something to change it. I and many others will try to make things better here in trinidad. hope your home is much better and continues to be so.

TheDreamReborn said...

@ lamalam

I passed common entrance and then I left Trinidad a few years after so I didn't do CXC. I was a straight A student all my life so I'm hardly a "stupidee". And I repeat, Trinidad and Tobago in its current state is a CESSPOOL!!! You don't have to be a "real Trini" to see that?

TheDreamReborn said...

@ anonymous

You know for a fact that I am not calling all Trinis, animals. Did you commit one of those 549 murders? If you are getting offended by the term, maybe you are one of the animals I speak of.

Anonymous said...

The strange thing is America has tens of thousands of missing children and I don't hear the commentator saying anything about it...But Trinidad is a cesspool...Now i am not saying the country does not have serious work to do with itself but how does this help? In anyway? No.

Jamaica has had over 1500 Murders for the year and they are just over twice the size of Trinidad...they rank higher on the crime index rate yet u will rarely hear any Jamaican bash their country like this...But then I should not surprised...It's the trini way!

Anonymous said...

ok people....

as a PROUD TRINI actually LIVING in Trinidad and Tobago here is my $0.02

I know the country is in dire straits, but you trying to tell me that you all didnt see it coming about 10-15 years now???

This land is a beautiful land, and for all you people "out there" the citizens ARE waking up and taking note and change IS coming.....we are reclaiming our beloved country...believe it...we are claiming her back...if you were here you would know what I talking about if you in the right circles...

and to the defence of the Police Service, there still ARE some good offices in the service and as I know that comment would provoke ire, yes there are alot of bad eggs

and lastly....cowards choose to run away and comment from far, TRUE SOLDIERS fight on and reclaim their territory....

everyone have a good new year....

and to the soul who wants to cancel your visit...you are well within your rights and I hope you change your mind sometime and visit us.....we are much more than what is being portrayed here....as with ALL destinations...go with people you know, call the embassies, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.....

and yeah, stay where yuh is nah, it have people who willing to take yuh place homie.....

TheDreamReborn said...

@ Reeses Pieces

When you reclaim your country, let me know. It shouldn't even be where it is now to need reclaiming. I have no confidence in the people of Trinidad and Tobago and as I said in the blog, the entire police force is a joke. Yes there are good cops in there but it doesn't change the fact that the force itself is a joke ran by an even bigger joke.

As long as the person taking my place isn't related to me or a friend of mines, they can happily take my place in the shooting range that is Trinidad and Tobago.

At the moment I wouldn't recommend Trinidad and Tobago to a dog as a vacation option. And if you had a heart, you wouldn't either.

All the best in 2009.

TheDreamReborn said...

@ anonymous

I'm getting really fed up with Trinidadians mentioning Jamaica when I start talking about the insane murder rate in Trinidad and Tobago. Jamaica having an insanely high murder rate doesn't excuse 549+ murders in Trinidad and Tobago for 2008. That is a big problem I have with Trinidadians; don't look at what someone else is doing. Mind your own business. If the Jamaicans don't want to speak out against their murder rate, that's on them.

Anonymous said...

Wow, ppl are so sad. Crime is a problem everywhere in the world and some how trinidad & tobago's crime seems to be centre stage. How many crime's solved in america do you hear publicized unless most times its a serial killer. We have problems but we're open about it unfortunately. If you want to hear about Jamaica's crime problem you would have to google it. I'm guessin this person that wrote this mess of a article was not aware that a couple of germans were found floating off a fellow caribbean isle a few months aback, has that case been solved no. Would you really like for our police force to publicize their findings in cases that they are on the way to solve? Would you like them to blast to the public who the cirminals are so that these people can escape. Trinidad & Tobago are beautiful islands, with beautiful people. We have some of the warmest, liveliest people, and I would never trade my island for anywhere else in the world. Those who disown a place that has made them so much of who they are are not really caribbean folks. WE have our problems and so does everyone else. Would you like to live in a world where serial killers, suicide bombers exist. I am so sorry Ms. Latifah had to go through that, God knows she is so talented and I do hope she gets back here prized possessions. But saying that my islands are no place to be is lie, we are beautiful and God will set us free from this scourge. Unfortunately we are being polluted with ignorant minds like the ones that wrote this article.

Anonymous said...

And as for Jamaica's murder rate, its mostly in Kingston, and true Jamaica has nothing to do with Trinidad. Have you ever really known a country's crime rate without digging, not really, you would have to dig quite far to search for others. We however are open, this is our problem and we are trying to deal with it. Rome was not built in a day. Our police force is trying, and its unfortunate that so many young people ahve adopted the lazy attitude of fast money to survive and not realising what they are doing. Before you complain, help, help find a way to help. You cant help world poverty by complaining about it, feed a poor person, feed the vagrant that walks about the town. You cant cure aids or make people with aids feel better by shunning them and callin them names. Embrace them, nothing, nothing is ever fixed by running the next direction or poiting fingers and condemning things, nothing. I am so hurt that you would look at two isles so beautiful and condemn it. Not saying its right but wow, a star has never had something stolen from them somewhere, wow.................Tobago is the only place in the world this has ever happened, call the FBI, oh the horror. As unfortunate as the incident has been for all parties involved, stating that my coutries are a cesspool you are so wrong. You live in a cesspool of ignorance dream reborn.............ignorance......and like we trini's say dotishness

Anonymous said...

@ anonymous way on top.
America controls their press, in T&T we allow freedom of speech in all forms, we are not sooo politically correct that we dont allow people to speak their minds.
Unfortunately this can work against you because such freedom is what has my nation on scrutiny from the world. At least we look the same on the inside as we do on the outside, beautiful but not perfect. But there are many countries that cannot own the same title, many coutries out in this big world, look beautiful from the outside but are a mess on the inside. Brazil for example, pretty pretty rio de janiero, surronded by the slums where no one wants to venture. Haiti.........where a child can be bought for less than 50us...............America where so many live as victims of the Human slave trade, Eastern Europe where so many become victims of the slave trade in itself........So much is wrong with this world and instead of squabbling about it we should all try our best to see how we can fix things becuase trust me its going to get worse everywhere on everycorner.............The Storms are going to come before the sun comes shinning. There are so many countries, that are beautiful on the outside and dying on the inside.............Jamaica poor JA their hardworking, trying officers need permission to go in certain areas........What is that? T&T is not and will never be anyone's cesspool...........

Anonymous said...

and what the Queen chooses to do in her own world is her business. So everyone else should just mind their own business. A personal life is called personal for a reason, get a dictionary and look up that reason

Anonymous said...

As a fellow Trini I am ashamed at the direction my country is taking, the crime rate is out of control the only reason crime is this high is that since this govt the PNM came into office crime has skyrocketed, but what really pisses me off is that Trinidad had a chance to remove the current idiot prime minisiter Patrick Manning and his fellow incomptetent idiots in the PNM.
All i say is that Trinis like it so the reelected this govt that has allowed crime to go unchecked.

Anonymous said...

I can't even begin to imagine what bad experience you had endured to be describing the country of your birth with such harsh words. As some of the replies to your blog said, you had me interested at first but as the article went on you began to be make less and less informed arguments.

If you were more interested in writing about crime and less interested in degrading your country of birth you would know that the crime in America has risen 3.1% after ten years of declines. Thank God you were not in that percentage so you could write this derogatory article.

I make no excuse for the crime in MY country, but what you write here is degrading and in my opinion attention grabbing. I employ you to quickly renounce your citizenship to MY country so that we would have one less unpatriotic fool.

Anonymous said...

My God you really are a fool. As a matter of fact yes I did know one of the murder victims. My own neighbour was killed early in 2008 by a relative no less. And i do take offence to the term animal...I am female first to begin, educated mother and wife and gainfully employed. I am unlike many in trinidad "lucky" i am one of the few who still think trinidad is worth saving. America is hardly a utopia sir with it's hate crimes and intolerance of those different. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of lives lost in this ongoing "war" I do not see the world through mud covered glasses as you do. the fact is as murders and crime go trinidad is still very far down on the list. The situation is global and it's small minded people like you who only see the negative that make the world just a little bit worse to live in.

Anonymous said...

Your blog. Your opinion. Fine. I'd like to think that you still feel some attachment to your native land as you took the time to write this (extremely critical) piece on the country and its people.

However, what are you doing to help? You are continually highlighting all that is wrong with the country. Have you highlighted the good? Instead, you are willing to condemn the entire country because of whatever grudge you have with us?

No offence, but it's people like you, people without any NATIONAL PRIDE, that are responsible for the state of the country. No SELF-RESPECTING, GENUINELY PATRIOTIC TRINBAGONIAN could ever act in such a manner as to bring disgrace to sweet Trinbago. It's ok,though. Hopefully you are successful in seeking citizenship elsewhere.Change your citizenship,lose your accent(if you haven't done so already) if you desire but you cannot change your heritage. My only wish is that we could rid ourselves of the rest of you unpatriotic individuals. (I would say animals, but most animals are willing to stand up and defend their clan.)

Nowhere is perfect. I agree with you, we shouldn't accept that we are imperfect and simply let that be. We should, in fact be striving for the perfection our slice of paradise deserves. But until we get there, why ignore the little steps of progress we are making along the way? Things could be much worse, I'm sure you know that.

(By the way, instead of sitting behind your computer and writing these vitriolic entries in your blog, why don't you try coming here, and actually contributing to the society? Stop trying to tear down something, you have no hand in building.)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Im an "islander" from a different part of the world to Trinidad and Tobago. I have been a tourist in Tobago and I met some nice people there. I also had some pretty horrific experiences and I would hesitate to recommend a visit there at the moment.

My hesitance is driven by my personal experience - abused in the street for the crime of being white and told to go back to New York (I'm not American...), called a "Slaver" by people on several occasions, attacked once in Scarborough by some middle aged madman as I was walking down the street with my (Tobagoan) girlfriend - luckily two of her friends saw it happen and rescued me...and being intimated by some Rasta guy as we tried to visit some waterfalls (this only touches the surface of the "friendly" reception I received). My girl lives in London and she LOVES her island, and so do I. But people, understand, there are a lot of issues that need the direct and forceful tough love of the TT people if they are to be repaired. Tobago is so lovely, and can be sooooooooo much fun for a visitor but this is the 21st century - time for Trinis and Bagoans to step up to the plate and show what REAL pride can do as opposed to just talking about it.
I don't think any country deserves to be referred to as a cesspit (certainly not TT) and I don't think the people of TT are "animals", but I do hope that all the pride being expressed here is translated into action on the streets and the beaches of Tobago because it is action and deeds that count - not bluster and empty pride.
Love and Peace for 2009 to everyone.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous. If you loved your girl then you would at least know or have respect for the fact that she is a TobagoNIAN and not a Tobagoan.

Anonymous said...

u ppl who r from trinidad and brinigin down trinidad like dat u r real fools and yes we had a lot of crime for 2008 but is america any better it is d same thing and worst. you all r real patriotic

Anonymous said...

all you haters

Anonymous said...

I believe that karma is a bitch and honey trust me you will get yours very soon in your perfect America...I gurantee it. As we say in trinidad "God doh like ugly" and you will be shown that ANYTHING can happen to ANYONE in any country. And no I am not threatening you it's just that I always get to hear about stupid people like you eventually. please do revoke your citizenship maybe if you put on a fresh water accent and dye your hair you will eventually look like someone you're not but you were born here and you will ALWAYS be Trinbagonian you fool...NO PIECE OF PAPER CAN CHANGE THAT. PS I eh boycotting nutten... I will be WINING in the CESSPOOL with the rest of my ANIMAL friends. You have a good life in YOUR UTOPIA...fool!!

TheDreamReborn said...

@ Anonymous

You could wish as much bad upon me as you want. I really don't care. Trinis like you are the reason the country is a cesspool. Of course you're not going to boycott carnival for the greater good of the country. You rather wine your dirty ass up and down Frederick Street instead of standing up to the madness that is taking over your country. I don't recall ever saying that America is a Utopia. That would be very silly of me. One thing's for sure though, I like my chances over here better than in Trinidad and Tobago where people who are supposed to be MY PEOPLE will kill me in second to get whatever valuables I'm carrying with me at that very moment.

I'm curious. Why would I have to dye my hair to change my nationality? And this "freshwater accent" you ass holes keep speaking about is getting so tired. Let common sense prevail. If one moves to a new country, one has to assimilate.

And again, I never said Trinbagonians are animals, but if that is what you interpreted from my writings, I could only forgive your ignorance.

Anonymous said...

WOW It is amazing to me that someone of your obvious intelligence would stoop so low as to write a comment i just read. an i quote "wine your dirty ass up and down frederick street" You sound like a very hateful person not just for trinidad and tobago but for it's nationals. I would have given your blog a different answer but now i think much differently of you. you are simply a another pathetic "hater" venting mindelss drivel over the internet in hopes of quelling whatever "beef" you have with a few locals in your native country. A sad thing i must say. Most of your answers i have read are filled with venom and a general distaste for anyone who disagrees with your point of view. This does not make for sympathy or understanding of your situation. You are simply coming off as some angry little nobody whining about something much too big for him to change alone. I you want to change the view of your readers see things from both sides of the fence. have you ever thought about those who are not as lucky as you were to have ventured overseas and able to change their circumstances. What about the rest of us who want to stay here and try to make things better. sorry sir but you are not making things any better in trinidad with your little blog. All you seem to be doing is pissing off a few locals...thereby doing nothing at all really. Have a good day.

TheDreamReborn said...

@ Anonymous

That was very convenient of you to ignore all the venomous comments directed at me and only see my 1 reply. Congratulations! And as you said, you don't disagree with one thing I stated in the blog. Instead of replying to my comment directed to one particular person who is NOT you, you should have instead commented on the blog. Seems like you're also a "hater".

If you don't like my "little blog", keep it moving. I am not holding anyone against their will on this website.

Instead of dissecting my blog to make ad hominem attacks, you people should be speaking out against the murder rate and everything else wrong with the country.

Have a wonderful day in the CESSPOOL that is Trinidad and Tobago.

Anonymous said...

LMAO...so sad.

Anonymous said...

Okay I'm a Trini living in Toronto, Canada for the past 16 years and although I find your blog somewhat amusing, the name calling of the land of your birth and mine a cesspool because of it's current crime situation is appalling. You seem to be an attention-grabbing drama Queen who has your head stuck so far up your ass that you can't get oxygen to your brain. I already bought my tickets for Carnival 2009 and will be cooling down in Tobago thereafter. Have a great 2009 you unpatriotic cacahole...hit me up if you need the definition of cacahole.

Anonymous said...

Just in case you missed it below is an excerpt from an article about what the Queen had to say about T&T in an interview with Jay Leno. Incidentally, I hope you are writing a blog about Paris Hilton being robbed of about 2 million dollars worth of jewelery in that cesspool California.

Despite an incident in which jewelry valued at US$10,000 was stolen from her friend's room during their recent visit to Tobago, American hip-hop artiste and actress, Queen Latifah, had only good things to say of Trinidad and Tobago in an interview with US late night talk show host Jay Leno on Wednesday.

Asked where she last went for vacation, Latifah said she was in the twin-island republic where she had a great time partying and relaxing on the beaches. She explained that the two islands are really one country and that Trinidad is the place for partying and Carnival, while Tobago has the lovely beaches where you can relax and take it easy.

"Trinidad is the party island with the Carnival. Yuh wuk-up yuh waist, bop yuh waist, back, back (singing). You know, where you jump and wine. And in Tobago is where you lime. Like liming, chilling. That's what they call it, liming. I love that. So you go hang out for like Christmas on Trinidad and party, its kind of city and then you go over to Tobago where all the beautiful beaches are and the water sports and the surfing and the nice parties on the beach and you lime man," Latifah said.

Latifah also showed off a photograph of her on a boat alongside a grouper she said she caught on a fishing trip during the vacation. She added that they also caught a barracuda and king fish among others on that day. Latifah said she brought in the New Year's taking in a show at the hotel that featured African dancers. "It was wonderful, there was a lot of good entertainment and of course we went out to the parties and listened to a lot of soca and learned the local dances. Wuk-up yuh waist, you know. It means back up your waist, you dig," Latifah said.

Anonymous said...

I'm 15 yrs old and even I can see that whoever the idiot who wrote this is, I'm very sorry that u ever were a Trini. I was born in Trinidad and even though I intend to persue a career in the US (the only plce where I can- music) I would NEVER bash my country like this. U dont live here and obviously u have no idea of how things are around here.
All that talk of crime and crime, yes there is crime but I don't recall any incident where people were walking down a street and someone just randomly decided to shoot at somebody cuz they find dat they dont "belong here". Um honestly, this isnt Baghdad (hope i spelt it write).
Ne ways, wat I'm trying to say is that if u left T&T then it means that u gave up on it and by the way u judge all its ppl by one greedy person's mistake, u dont DESERVE to BE a Trini.
So shut up and like they say in T&T keep ur blasted mouth shut cuz if u have nothing better 2 say, den doh say ne ting at all.An btw u are a Strupidee. - L'Ariel(U'll see dat name sumday)

Anonymous said...

good times or bad i will always love my country and the people in it. we're not all bad an i'm staying here to fight for what is mine. i finish school in one year and i eh hopping no plane to go bad mouth sweet trinbago I STAYING HOME AND WORK to make things better. trini to de bone woi woi!! lol. btw u reeeeal stupid bwoy...lmao!!

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