It's been a while since I seriously replied to comments on my YouTube videos, so I decided to skim through the hundreds of new comments I accumulated over the past 4 months. While doing so, I came across one of the most ludicrous videos circulating on the internet. A video of an armed robbery in progress with people in the background laughing while a man gets shot and lays on the floor bleeding. At first, I didn't want to believe this video was real. It seemed like a video from Check out the video for yourself below. WARNING! The victim was shot in the video.
Upon researching the story further I realised that this incident was unfortunately real and somewhat common in Baltimore where this took place. As many commenters on the Baltimore Examiner website said, this shouldn't be a surprise to people who live in these types of areas.
A few years ago I witnessed the same absurd behavior from a young girl when I was nearly robbed returning home from school in Brooklyn. I stepped off a B46 bus running along Utica Ave., not too far from where an on duty bus driver was fatally stabbed a few weeks ago in broad daylight. As soon as the soles of my shoes hit the ground, there they were; 5 young black men, my age and younger gathering around me and picking at my pockets like hawks surveying their next meal. Fortunately I was able to step back on the bus and take the longer route home. While I was on the bus I got evil stares from nearly everyone around me who witnessed what had just taken place, especially a young girl whom I believe knew the boys I had just dodged. I started feeling as though I was wrong for avoiding the obvious threat to my safety.
I did a video a few months ago which I titled "I Am Embarrassed By Black People". This situation just cements those feelings. No one should have to live in fear of these thugs and it's sad to see that the youth of today have become so desensitised to this ludicrous behavior. Sad to say, but it could only get worst from here on. All we can do now is take care of our own. The rest are lost souls stuck in their ways. Nobody can help them, but them.
Link to the original story(Yes, there's more): Baltimore Examiner
Shoot those negroes!
I'm sorry for your incident and it's really sad the way us black men and women act at times. It seems as if we won't ever have anything because of jealousy and hate for one another, we make ourselves look so ignorant at times. Stuff like this is not funny because this could happen to anyone and we need to learn to stick together or at least call for help and not just stand around laughing nothings funny about a person being shot or killed. Put yourself in his shoes people, because life and death is not a game, cherish it. And you keep your head up and God bless you sweetie!!!
and this is why humanity is borderline evil... Notice how majority of them are black? There are all types of fucked up people;White, Black, Latino Ect. However, its majority African American neighborhoods where this kinda shit happens. People are so fucked up in this era; Violence, Murder, and Perversity roams unchecked, or at least not monitored closely enough to make sick fucks who think innocent people dying is funny pay for there mental incompacity.
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